This Week in Parasitism
TWiP is a podcast about the tiny creatures that live in and on us.

TWiP solves the case of the Haitian female with AIDS and voluminous diarrhea, and review the pathogenesis, epidemiology, prevention and treatment of malaria and Chagas disease.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson DespommierDaniel Griffin, and Christina Naula

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Case Study for TWiP 223

46 yo man with minimal pmh, elevated cholesterol, ongoing right upper extremity swelling, 5-10 years intermittently. Goose egg swelling on hand, foot. Lasts for hours, every few months. Go to ER, right upper extremity. Lives in NYS suburbs, Is vet and epidemiologist. Has done extensive travel, Liberia, Ghana, DRC, Uganda, Rwanda, 2 week duration. Doing work, fair amount of animal contact with bats, rodents, birds. PE unremarkable except for swelling of right arm. Blood work unremarkable. 2.5 yr later notice prickling irritation under right eyelid, think they see undulation under skin. 

Send your case diagnosis, questions and comments to

Music by Ronald Jenkees

Direct download: twip223.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 2:25pm PST