This Week in Parasitism
TWiP is a podcast about the tiny creatures that live in and on us.

The TWiPpers of the bite fantastic solve the case of the Indian Man Who Hiked, and discuss the effects of schistosome soluble egg antigen on infection of lymphocytes with HIV-1.

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Case Study for TWiP 176

Recent case, woman in late 20s, schoolteacher. Outer boroughs of NYC. Wakes up on Saturday, completely rash-y, head to toe. Goes to urgent care center, say is allergic, give anti histamines and steroids. Persists after a few days, goes to allergist. Only allergen positive, dust mites. Few days later goes to GP, still itchy and rash-y. He does more thorough exam, notices she has small red lesions on fingers and between fingers. Several children in classes she is teaching has similar malady. Given therapeutic, rash goes away. Otherwise healthy, HIV negative. Partner not around at the time this develops.

Send your case diagnosis, questions and comments to

Music by Ronald Jenkees

Direct download: TWiP176.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 2:25pm PST