This Week in Parasitism
TWiP is a podcast about the tiny creatures that live in and on us.

The TWiP trifecta solves the case of the Professor Who Went to Brazil, and discuss an amazing case of a tapeworm that turned into a tumor in an AIDS patient.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin


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Case study for TWiP 99

This week's case is a 53 yo woman visiting family in US, comes in with intense belly pain, right upper part of belly. Has become strict vegetarian after having breast cancer, on raw vegetable diet (carrots, collect plants in local markets). From Bolivia. Lives in agricultural area, avoids sheep, fearful of dogs. Housekeeper. Married, lives with husband. Noticed pain when came to US. Breast cancer: localized, removed lesion, no therapy, months ago. No allergies, family healthy. No insect bites, lives in concrete house. Physical exam: not febrile, right upper quadrant is very tender, some liver enlargement. CBC: 10,000 white count, mostly eosinophils, liver function: AST, ALT, AlkPhos all normal. Neuro exam: normal. Five months before this diet, she did have normal diet. Some meat, drank milk.

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TWiP is a MicrobeTV production

Direct download: TWiP099.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 11:59am PST

The TWiP-lets reveal Balamuthia infection in the Children from Peru, and discuss resistance to pyrethroids revealed by RNA sequencing of Anopheles mosquitoes.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:

Case study for TWiP 98

This week's case is a Professor clinician, teacher, researcher.  In his 50s, he presents with lesion on big toe, anterior portion, tip, nodular. No surrounding redness, area is itchy. Has a small central black area the size of pencil tip, concerned because feels is getting larger over last week. Spooky. Travels, last in Brasil, had been for a few weeks, noticed toe issue a week after returned. Spent time on beach, but wore flip flops. Different types of beaches, crowded and not crowded. Went with wife. Healthy man, no prior medical problems.

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Direct download: TWiP098.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 7:02pm PST

The paratenic hosts reveal a case of scabies in the Traveling Salesman, and discuss a role for natural antibody in protection from infection with Plasmodium.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin


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Case study for TWiP 97

Daniel has two cases this week. Two people with similar presentations. A 12 yo girl in Peru presented for care with painless dark brown area on right knee. Has brothers and sisters, often play together. No trauma, but area is expanding. Months later develops cognitive changes. Second case is a 5 yo boy from the coastal region of Peru brought in by Mother, has red swollen area on face. Mom says while playing scratched nose, swelling right cheek, eye, nasal obstruction, no response to antibiotics. MRI of both show infiltrating process. Girl, left side of brain, middle cerebral artery territory. Boy in frontal region, midline area. Thus both skin lesions associated with infiltrating process in brain. Came into clinic months after lesions started, and lesions still present.

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Direct download: TWiP097.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 8:38pm PST

The TWiPanosomes solve the case about the Young Woman who Went to Belize, and relate how sandfly saliva skews the immune response and increases risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin


Links for this episode:

Case study for TWiP 96

Daniel's patient for this week is male patient referred for consultation by OB-GYN: his wife is pregnant, has been admitted and is about the give birth. It is her first pregnancy. There are concerns about the husband's skin problem and whether it is a threat to his pregnant wife. No lesions on woman, husband recently developed itchy skin problem on his hands. Bilateral. Small papules on webs of fingers, brown lines, blood clots at ends, has clearly scratched the lesions. Skin between fingers is involved. Travels, often stays in cheap hotels. Beds not clean. Last trip 1 month before symptoms.  Midwest travel. Family history of heart disease. Sales occupation. No animal exposure. Travels to medium to large cities. 

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Direct download: TWiP096.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 5:52am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel solve the case about the 33 year old Chinese male with watery diarrhea, and discuss whether arsenic in drinking water might lead to treatment failures for Leishmania infections.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:

This episode is sponsored by ASMGAP.

Case study for TWiP 95

Daniel's patient for this week is a 28 yo single female, returns from beach vacation with new boyfriend. Two weeks in Central America (Belize). Often found secluded beaches. Good health, noticed upon her return had small nodules/papules on front of thighs. Thought were insect bites, became very itchy. Noticed serpiginous red lines forming, radiating out from bumps. Felt things moving in her skin. Benadryl did not help. Daniel say something similar occurs in Lima. Healthy, no allergies, surgeries, no relevant family history, using barrier contraception, sexually active. Only drinks alcohol socially. Boyfriend did not report symptoms. She did lie on sand, used thin fabric. Stayed in hotel. There were wild dogs on beach. During her stay she ate ceviche. No intestinal symptoms.

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Direct download: TWiP095.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 6:44pm PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel solve the case about the man from El Salvador, discuss the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors to treat onchocerciasis and filariasis.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:

Case study for TWiP 94

Daniel's patient was seen in the clinic. He is a 33 yo chinese male, from Chinatown NYC, for several months on and off has had watery diarrhea, headaches. Tried reflexology, chiropractic therapy, with no results. Has traveled quite a bit, been in Chile (was there a few months before). Came to US when young. Grew up in the US. In Chile, has had many sexual partners, >50, of both sexes, also has done many drugs. Two years ago was diagnosed with chronic HIV, CD4 count 685, on ARVs triple therapy, virus loads are well controlled. Has had syphilis, nose job, no medication allergies. Lives with family. On exam, afebrile, looks well. Symptom onset a few months after last Chile visit. Is an addventurous eater.

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Direct download: TWiP094.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 6:45am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel solve their fishy tale, and present a new case study for your consumption.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:

Case study for TWiP 92


April 2015 a 177 lb 5ft10in 39 yo man seen as outpatient in ID clinic, reports 2 y ago had issues with constipation on and off; throat hurts; feels closing when lies down. For several years has had skin irritation on upper chest and arms. Tried to donate blood, was rejected, told to see doctor.

Emigrated to US from El Salvador 2002, married, reports no extramarital sex, smokes 2-3 cigs/day, now quit; had drinking issue in past, no more; was agricultural worker in rural part of El Salvador; has history of asthma, on a number of medicines, including steriod nasal spray, inhaler, no visual problems, healthy appearing, not allergic to medicines. Family history: mother heart attack and diabetes; father peptic ulcer disease.


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Direct download: TWiP093.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 6:57am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel discuss how fluctuation in the price of guinea pig food could help transmission of the agent of Chagas disease, and present a new case study for your consumption.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:

  • Ascaris on TWiP 21
  • Ascaris lumbricoides life cycle (jpg)
  • Child with distended abdomen due to Ascaris (jpg)
  • Bottlenecks and Chagas disease (Proc Biol Soc)
  • Letters read on TWiP 92

Case study for TWiP 92

A 20 yo Japanese female student went to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain. nausea, had vomited. Had just enjoyed homemade sushi an hour or two previuosly. She prepared the sushi: rice, salmon, tuna rolls. Salmon was local, caught by boyfriend. Tuna from store, sushi grade. No past medical history, mother with anemia. Takes oral contraceptives. No toxic habits. No travel. Monogamous. Temp 100.2, bp 140/90, hr high 90s, breathing upper teens. Physical exam normal except appears distressed in pain, belly extended, tender in left upper quadrant. Friends ate sushi but no one else got sick. All guests ate both types of fish.

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Direct download: TWiP092.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 5:44am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel review how Viagra might be used to block transmission of Plasmodium falciparum, and introduce a new case study.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Direct download: TWiP091.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 5:26am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel discuss identification of an erythrocyte protein essential for invasion of Plasmodium falciparum, and introduce a new case study.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Direct download: TWiP090.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 8:38am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel reveal last week's case study and introduce a new one concerning a patient who traveled to Belize.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Direct download: TWiP089.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 8:40am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel discuss how a secreted protein from the protozoan parasite Theileria transforms its host cells via a cellular proto-oncogene.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Direct download: TWiP088.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 7:57am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel review new insight into antigenic variation in trypanosomes, reveal the difficult solution to the last case study, and present another mystery for your solving.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:


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Direct download: TWiP087.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 8:55am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel discuss how filarial infection modulates the immune response to mycobacterial infection, and reveal a new case study.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:


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Direct download: TWiP086.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 6:18am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel explain how trypanolytic factor forms membrane channels to lyse trypanosomes, and present a new case study.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Direct download: TWiP085.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 7:17am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel consider the delivery of anti-trypanosome nanobodies to the tsetse fly via a bacterial symbiont, and present a new case study.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Direct download: TWiP084.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 7:12am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel present a new case study, and discuss the effect of chronic malaria infection on wild warbler life span and telomere degradation.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Direct download: TWiP083.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 4:59pm PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel solve last week's case study, present a new one, and reveal how secreted proteins from a helminth prevent diabetes in mice.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

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Direct download: TWiP082.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 9:42am PST

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel provide the solution to last week's case study, present a new one, and discuss how immune suppression by nematodes increases tuberculosis fatality in African buffalo.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:


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Direct download: TWiP081.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 10:15am PST

 Vincent and Dickson welcome new TWiP host Daniel to discuss the association of a new Mycoplasma with Trichomoniasis, and to introduce a new feature to the show, a case study.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:


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Direct download: TWiP080.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 6:15pm PST