This Week in Parasitism
TWiP is a podcast about the tiny creatures that live in and on us.

TWiP discusses a study of the safety and immunogenicity of a late liver-stage attenuated malaria parasite delivered by mosquito bite.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDaniel Griffin, and Christina Naula

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Music by Ronald Jenkees

Direct download: TWiP252.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 10:00am PST

TWiP solves the case of the woman who went to Belize and notices a lesion on her face, and presents a new clinical case for you to solve.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDaniel Griffin, and Christina Naula

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New Case

Recent case, Arusha hospital, 1800 m, 28 yo comes in, has been visiting game parks. Developing fevers, malaise, bad headaches, body aches, somnolent. Blood smears negative, no malaria. Repeat blood smear, see something extra-erythrocytic. This gives them the diagnosis. HIV neg, no toxic habits, no history. Symptom onset about a week ago. Rest of family is ok. 

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Music by Ronald Jenkees

Direct download: TWiP251.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:48am PST

TWiP reviews a study showing that the gut microbiota is essential for suppression of colitis by Trichinella spiralis.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDaniel Griffin, and Christina Naula

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Music by Ronald Jenkees

Direct download: TWiP250.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 9:00pm PST