This Week in Parasitism
TWiP is a podcast about the tiny creatures that live in and on us.

Vincent, Dickson, and Daniel discuss how fluctuation in the price of guinea pig food could help transmission of the agent of Chagas disease, and present a new case study for your consumption.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloDickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

Links for this episode:

  • Ascaris on TWiP 21
  • Ascaris lumbricoides life cycle (jpg)
  • Child with distended abdomen due to Ascaris (jpg)
  • Bottlenecks and Chagas disease (Proc Biol Soc)
  • Letters read on TWiP 92

Case study for TWiP 92

A 20 yo Japanese female student went to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain. nausea, had vomited. Had just enjoyed homemade sushi an hour or two previuosly. She prepared the sushi: rice, salmon, tuna rolls. Salmon was local, caught by boyfriend. Tuna from store, sushi grade. No past medical history, mother with anemia. Takes oral contraceptives. No toxic habits. No travel. Monogamous. Temp 100.2, bp 140/90, hr high 90s, breathing upper teens. Physical exam normal except appears distressed in pain, belly extended, tender in left upper quadrant. Friends ate sushi but no one else got sick. All guests ate both types of fish.

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Category:Science -- posted at: 5:44am PST