This Week in Parasitism
TWiP is a podcast about the tiny creatures that live in and on us.

The TWiP team solves the case of the Ghanian Women With Leg Swelling, and relate how Anopheline mosquitoes are protected against parasite infection by tryptophan catabolism in gut microbiota.

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson DespommierDaniel Griffin, and Christina Naula

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Case Study for TWiP 206

42 yo Spanish speaking male, originally from capital city of Honduras. Admitted to hospital after seizure. Grew up in Honduras, 20 year history of seizures. Now in NYC area. Treated with carbamazepine, 2x a day. Has not filled scrip for 3 months. Fast heartrate, o2 sat fine, no fever. No surgery, no toxic habits. Unremarkable physical exam. Undergoes blood work and head imaging. CBC normal, normal diff, slight elevation in blood glucose. Imaging of head reveals non-specific coarse calcification. Eats regularly.

Send your case diagnosis, questions and comments to

Music by Ronald Jenkees

Direct download: TWiP206.mp3
Category:Science -- posted at: 9:00pm PST