This Week in Parasitism
TWiP is a podcast about the tiny creatures that live in and on us.

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin

The TWiP trio solve the case of the bug bites all in a row, and talk about a secreted Toxoplasma protein that is central to the parasite's manipulation of host cells.


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Case Study for TWiP 111

82 yo woman living in Washington Heights NYC 10 days of watery diarrhea, not smelly, does not float. Wakes her up at night. No fever, sweats at night. Losing some weight, appetite. No recent travel. Born in DR early 1930s, moved to US age 30. Sometimes goes back but not for several years. Springtime. Lives with extended family, only one sick. Eats whole assortment of cooked foods, rice, beans, fresh fruits. Drinks tap water. Not working. No pets. Stays mostly inside. History of reflux, high blood pressure, cognitive decline, diagnosed with temporal giant cell arteritis. Put on prednisone, doing better. Has had gall bladder removed. HIV negative. Extended family works in city, no taxi drivers. Belly uncomfortable for >week. Temp 38.1, BP 116/78, HR 105, breathing 12/min. Exam: looks ill, has diffusely tender abdomen, decreased bowel sounds. Liver, spleen not enlarged. Oriented. Has rash on abdomen: odd patchy distribution, looks like multiple thumbprints, front of belly, extending from umbilicus. White count 8, 78 polys, 14 lymphs, 4 mono, 1 eosinophil. Sodium 129, BUN 15, Creat 0.6. Urine histoplasma negative, TB test negative.

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Category:Science -- posted at: 9:08am PST